Additional Learning Outcomes


Using Moti-Lab allows for kids to investigate different types of technology in various ways, this can be materials – what materials stop the flow? what floats and what sinks?

Ideas of renewable energy generation can be explored using the wheel to represent a turbine to examine changes in energy or energy flow.


This is a key benefit of using Moti-Lab – every task involves engineering to solve the problems posed.  Where an engineer uses mathematics to predict what will happen in a system, Moti-Lab gets the learners to build the system and extract the maths from it!

Using this method it endows children with an investment in their learning – increasing engagement, focus and a desire to learn.

Three primary girls doing science on Moti-Lab

Behavioral and PSHE

The interactive, immersive and invested nature of learning on Moti-Lab serves those who are less receptive to classroom based learning. Being a fun and engaging format the child is invested in, and “wants” to learn.  So although exciting, behavioral problems rarely occur and can be easily circumvented.

This yields positive behavioral and attainment results both using Moti-Lab and back in the classroom.  Increased confidence and sense of achievement for some of the more challenging students will lead to better a willingness to learn overall.

Although it can be used singularly Moti-Lab is a collaborative resource.  By its very nature Moti-Lab fosters teamwork and communication as the children work together to solve the problems and complete the tasks.

Vocabulary and Language

As a collaborative resource Moti-Lab is fantastic for getting children talking to each other, expressing ideas and performing peer review –  a great benefit for increasing oracy.

Throughout, the lesson plans encourage vocabulary (mathematical and scientific or other) to be written on the whiteboard so children have a visual reminder of the words they are trying to learn and the words can be demonstrated physically.

We are already getting amazing feedback from schools with high levels of English as an Additional Language (EAL). New words and concepts can be demonstrated physically and visually and the words themselves learned in a meaningful manner and communicated through speech.

Topic Based Learning

Lots of schools use topic based learning to enrich the curriculum they are teaching.  Moti-Lab can help you capitalise on this.  Using the Romans – build your own aqua-duct system.  Rivers – model the flow of a river, pour down a muddy mixture and watch the water separate out the elements in the mixture.  Potions – Slime based experiments, mixing colours or different liquids.  Great Fire of London – Put the fire out avoiding the buildings on Pudding Lane.  Boats and Pirates – Use the reservoir for racing ships and testing stability.

There are hundreds of ideas for integrating Moti-Lab experiments into your topic based learning and if you are struggling we can advise – or develop one up for you!

Not Just STEM

There is no need to limit the learning you can deliver to just STEM education, we’ve had schools using the mobile board for class presentations, display boards, magnetic games, for painting on and loads of other uses, for loads of different subjects!

  • Logo and link for engineering imagination event

Primary Education Events In June

July 3rd, 2019|0 Comments

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  • A Young Boy pouring water to learn about EYFS science on Moti-Lab

Promoting Physical Development in Early Years? Is Ofsted Missing A Trick Or Two?

September 24th, 2018|Comments Off on Promoting Physical Development in Early Years? Is Ofsted Missing A Trick Or Two?

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The Great Science Share 2018 – A Satellite Experience

July 4th, 2018|Comments Off on The Great Science Share 2018 – A Satellite Experience

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