How you in industry can help inspire our future scientists and engineers!

At Moti-Lab we have specific aims as a social enterprise to;

  • provide the most inspiring and engaging STEM education for all children
  • help to increase engagement and attainment for those children
  • to impact children from lower socio economic backgrounds (where the need is highest)
  • to help all primary teachers fulfil their role as engaging and inspiring STEM teachers

If you are in any industry that uses science, technology, engineering and maths the children we are trying to engage and inspire are the children that will be your future workforce.  If you are interested in helping schools in specific area with STEM education we have developed a range of packages that will meet this need and help you fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

Each package is designed to maximise the amount of beneficial impact you will help to provide as well as ensure your corporation’s work is publicised.  The data collection included in all the packages means you will be able to evidence, report and publicise on the positive impact you have been able to support.

Bronze Package  £12,800 + VAT

  • We identify and contact 3 of the most deprived schools in your local area (or an area you choose)
  • We provide each school with 2 Moti-Lab units
  • We provide ongoing standard (web based) CPD for teachers
  • We provide all teachers with all learning resources
  • We provide you with a summary of the impact your intervention has had after 1 year*
  • We provide each school with marketing for any CSR opportunities that you provide yourself

Silver Package  £22,650 + VAT

  • We identify and contact 5 of the most deprived schools in your local area (or an area you choose)
  • We provide each school with 2 Moti-Lab units
  • We provide ongoing standard (web based) CPD for teachers
  • We provide all teachers with all learning resources
  • We provide you with a summary of the impact your intervention has had after years 1 and 2*
  • We provide each school with marketing for any SCR opportunities that you provide yourself
  • We brand the Moti-Lab units with a engraved metal plate featuring your logo**

Gold Package  £32,650 + VAT

  • We identify and contact 5 of the most deprived schools in your local area (or an area you choose)
  • We provide each school with 2 Moti-Lab units
  • We provide ongoing standard (web based) CPD for teachers
  • We provide all teachers with all learning resources
  • We provide you with a summary of the impact your intervention has had after years 1,2 and 3*
  • We provide each school with marketing for any SCR opportunities that you provide yourself
  • We brand the Moti-Lab units with a engraved metal plate featuring your logo**
  • We provide 1 full day per year of face to face training for all teachers at the school per year for 3 years***

We can, of course, build a bespoke package suitable for your needs.

For this, or any further information please call

0114 221 6268

* When we first engage with the school we will perform a baseline assessment containing both quantitative and qualitative data on attainment and engagement in STEM subjects for both pupils and teachers.  A follow up survey will be taken annually and collated to track identifiable improvements in engagement, attainment for children and teacher confidence.  This survey may not be performed in an exact twelve month cycle as it will depend on timing in the school calendar etc.  The information collected, although still owned by Moti-Lab, can be used and published by the corporation for any purpose.  Where Moti-Lab publishes this information for it’s own purposes, accreditation shall be given to the sponsoring corporate body.  Similarly where the information is published by the sponsoring corporation accreditation shall be given to Moti-Lab.
**The logo must be provided by the sponsoring corporation in a suitable format. It remains the responsibility for the sponsoring corporation to have the relevant internal paperwork approved for use of the logo or other information provided.  Alternatively the sponsoring corporation can organise the fabrication of the metal plate in a specification set out by Moti-Lab.
***We will endeavour to send a member of our team out to train the teachers on a suitable inset day where all teaches can be accessed for training.  If this cannot be the case for logistical reasons, stated by either the school or Moti-Lab, a member of the team shall liase with the school and perform the training on a day most suitable to both parties.

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