Learning To Learn

5 Scaffolds For Learning To Learn

Learning to learn is increasingly important in primary education and possibly one of the most difficult skills to teach.  Here at Moti-Lab we can help you develop these skills for all the children in your school through our 5 scaffolds for Learning to Learn.

Teaching resilience through problem solving


The first scaffold is that of creating resilient learners.  This really difficult skill forms the foundation for other types of learning as a child cannot learn unless they are willing to work things out for themselves.  Moti-Lab fosters this by presenting learning in a problem solving format – allowing children to address the tasks – through trial and error.

Engagement is key to resilience – capturing the imagination of a child produces a more effective learner with a desire to work autonomously producing a positive attitude to learning.

Trial and error learning with Moti-Lab allows children the opportunity to succeed to “their” highest level, bringing confidence that can be transferred to other areas of learning.

All of these key features tap into a child’s natural ability to learn by doing through “experimenting”.


The most important strand of this is full involvement in the tasks presented – learning shouldn’t be passive or restricted to listening or watching with limited interaction. Multi sensory learning, with which Moti-Lab excels, is renowned for catering for all different learning styles to improve comprehension for learners of all abilities.

The Child led investigations performed on Moti-Lab ensure this involvement for every child. Through this, children are more invested in their learning, taking ownership of the tasks and pride in their work.  These key features are all promoted within this immersive learning style.

Trial and error learning with Moti-Lab allows children the opportunity to succeed to “their” highest level, bringing confidence that can be transferred to other areas of learning.

All of these key features tap into a child’s natural ability to learn by doing through “experimenting”.

Learning to become an effective learner
Communication is a key scaffold in learning to learn


Communication is also key to producing effective learners – children need the opportunity to express themselves to their peers and others….Team based tasks on Moti-Lab promote good social communication skills. Different ideas are formulated and shared both through listening and talking to others. These differing ideas can then be easily tested allowing the groups to come to common conclusions.


Maintaining Curiosity is essential for learning to learn – Disinterest within a child will erode their capacity for resilience, ownership and communication of learning.  Key to this is promoting active interest in learning, going with themes they are interested in and allowing them to explore these ideas.

Within this context FUN cannot be underestimated.

Curiosity is key in learning to learn

Moti-Lab’s engaging format promotes this with gamified and challenged based learning.  Opportunities arise, and should definitely be encouraged, for children using their imagination to predict what might happen in a given scenario or task, explore their ideas through questioning and most importantly answer their own questions through investigation.

Trial and error learning with Moti-Lab allows children the opportunity to succeed to “their” highest level, bringing confidence that can be transferred to other areas of learning.

All of these key features tap into a child’s natural ability to learn by doing through “experimenting”.

Reflection in learning to become effective learners


The final scaffold for enabling children to learn to learn is reflection.  Moti-Lab affords ample opportunities for recording the results of their own work be it in graph, table, oral or written form.  Differing results are produced from each group or individual experimenting. These results are then brought together to for comparison and peer review, where results are discussed, anomalies recognised and a consensus on learning can be formed.

This process allows all the children, whether their results were 100% correct to come away from the lesson with a huge sense of achievement.

More Effective Learners

These strategies, and their constituent parts, work in combination with the child led practical learning that Moti-Lab affords.  This framework will help you equip each of your children with the key skills, mindset and motivation to learn to the best of their abilities.

5 scaffolds for learning to learn

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