June is one of the busiest month for events both locally (to Sheffield) and Nationally. Some such as the PSEC conference are purely primary science focused and other big events such as The Sheffield Hallam Festival of Education are celebrations of all things in Primary Education. Here is a brief preview and links of some of the events you won’t want to miss this June.
Engineering Imagination
June 2nd, Sheffield Winter Gardens
This annual event organised by Sheffield University is part of their celebrations for International Women in Engineering Day. Growing year on year it is a family fun and interactive day with the chance to make candy floss, play with robots and loads of other interactive events. Of course we will be there with Moti-Lab for some STEM filled fun for the kids. We’d love to see you there so come and say hello!
For more info contact Anne Hayes at engineering.edi@sheffield.ac.uk
PSEC 2019
6-8th June, Edinburgh
After the success of the Inaugural PSEC conference in 2017 the Primary Science Education Conference comes to Edinburgh this year. This 3 day event is organised by the Primary Science Teaching Trust. PSEC offfers the very latest in Primary Science CPD workshops, talks, interactive lectures and exhibition hall full of innovative resources.
Set to be the biggest Primary Science event of the year, if you can you should make it!
Hallam Festival Of Education
14-15th June, Sheffield Hallam University
This is a brand new festival celebrating all things educational over two days in Sheffield City Centre. The event will be taking over large parts of the area surrounding the Union buildings with events, talks, the best in CPD and many other activities. Friday the 14th will be dedicated for Educational professionals who can enjoy over 100 speakers and organisations. Saturday will enjoy a more open atmosphere with children being welcome. Sponsored by TES we are already expecting this event to be a great success and would urge you to come along, get involved and celebrate Education with us.
We’d love to say hello and we will be situated in the dedicated STEM zone in Charles Street Building. Make sure this fun festival gets into your diary.
Big Bang Fairs
June-July, Nationally
One of the biggest national events celebrating all things STEM for young people. June and July sees the majority of the regional events taking place across the country. Designed to engage children in the world of STEM all the events will be super interactive with companies showing their new innovations and interactive shows experiments and experiences.
The main thrust of these events are dedicated to the children themselves as they bring along their own engineering experiments for competitive judging by experts. If you or your school haven’t got involved this year we’d urge you to attend your local event to see what’s happening then get involved next year.
There is nothing more powerful than engaging children by getting the involved!
The Great Science Share
18th June, Nationwide
After last years success June 18th sees the 4th Annual Great Science Share. This truly inspiring Primary focused event really does make an impact on the children taking part. The event invites primary children all over the country to share their own science experiments. A growing event – last year over 50,000 children shared their experiments. This year it is expected to bring together over 100,000 children sharing science in a single afternoon – a truly galvanising event putting children at the heart of their own learning. If not this year get ready for next year where Moti-Lab will be organising The Sheffield satellite event hoping to attract more than 20 schools to get together and Share Their Science.
Share Science With Us
This year we will be getting involved in both the events in Sheffield and would love to see you there. The Engineering Imagination event has proved very popular with a perfect location. Being at the Winter Gardens it not only attracts those visiting the event but helps expose by passers to the wonders of science and engineering – a great day out for the family.
We are really excited for The Hallam Festival of Education, fantastic organisation by Hallam University and good publicity coupled with sponsorship from TES should make the event popular. Come along to make it a big success. click on the link above for video on the soprt of science and maths we will be sharing!
Primary Education Events In June
June is one of the busiest month for events both locally (to Sheffield) and Nationally. Some such as the PSEC conference are purely primary science focused and other big events such as The Sheffield [...]
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The Great Science Share 2018 – A Satellite Experience
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